Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Seniors hold afternoon tea in honor of the royals

An afternoon tea party to mark the marriage of Prince William and Catherine Middleton at Southwest Focal Point Senior Center in Pembroke Pines attracted local “royals” dressed in fancy garb and ready to celebrate.

Gigi Levy, dubbed The Duchess by friends for having lived for a time in England, turned out in a short brimmed yellow hat and white gloves. Originally of Paris, Levy told tales of strolling through London streets in front of Buckingham Place.

Camille Lewis, who once donned the Pembroke Pines’ Lady Pembroke crown, graciously served friends an exquisite array of delightful English fair.

“I was there, you know, at the cathedral once,” said Lewis pointing at the wedding scene on a television in the dining area turned tea room.

And Marie Shotland, the Queen Mother of the Nifty Over Fifty Red Hat Club, laughed with ladies in waiting (aka fellow club members) decked in red and purple feathered hats.

Suzi Felix, activity director of the center, said 63 women and one man participated.

“We couldn’t be at the wedding but we can surely honor the day in style right here,” Felix said.

The room, painted in an English garden mural, featured tables topped with fine linen, dainty porcelain tea sets and baskets of English teas,. watercress with cucumber and egg salad finger sandwiches, melon wrapped in prosciutto and raspberry scones with Devonshire cream satisfied appetites.

All the while, the television tuned to Channel 2 played a loop of the royal nuptials.

Florence Pavone, of the Hollywood Antiques and Collectibles Club , wore a replica of Catherine’s sapphire and diamond engagement ring that belonged to Prince William’s mother Princess Diana. Pavone said she began celebrating at 4 a.m. by watching the wedding happen on television in real time.

“We love everything, everything Victorian and royal,” Pavone said.

Christian Schnider, dressed in a kilt from his highland Scottish heritage, said he showed to support his “lady” Nancy Schnider, who is a fan of English royalty, Great Britain’s wedding of the decade, and to “enjoy the charming company of all these fine ladies.”

With pinkies raised for each cup of steamy tea, participants watched the wedding and chatted fondly of the newlyweds.

“It’s wonderful how the whole world already loves them,” Camille Lewis said.

View the original article here

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