The government decided on Thursday to curb shipments of dried tea leaves containing more than 500 becquerel per kg of radioactive cesium.var AddOthers = document.getElementById("yahoobuzzsyn").innerHTML;var msgparent = '8721471'; var _obj=document.getElementById("reportAbuseDiv"); var y = findPosY(_obj); window.onscroll=setabuseForm;var facebooklink=document.location.href;function callPublish(msg, attachment) {FB.ui( { method: 'stream.publish', message: msg, attachment: { media: [{ type: "image", href: facebooklink, src: fb_Img }], name: facebookktitle, caption: '', description: facebooksyn, href: facebooklink }, user_message_prompt: "What's on your mind?" }, function(response) { if (response && response.post_id) { } else { } } );}var share = { method: 'stream.share', u: '' }; FB.ui(share, function(response) { console.log(response); });function blockError(){return true;} window.onerror = blockError; var timeslog_channel_url = '';var ttrendlogmsid='8721471'; var usersessionkey=""; FB.init({appId: '47255beefd20a79f1f2e244087a0dcc7', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); function getSessionFB(){ FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { if (response.session) { session = response.session; sessionkey=session.session_key; usersessionkey=sessionkey; } else { } }); } setTimeout("getSessionFB()",2000); function openSignin(paramChk){try {var fbtwtUrl="";if(paramChk=="1"){fbtwtUrl="";}else {fbtwtUrl="";}sigintwtfb = (fbtwtUrl,"sigintwtfb","location=1,status=1,scrollbars=0,width=700,height=500");sigintwtfb.moveTo(275,275);}catch(ex){}}
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