Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tea partiers are only fighting to control debt

Aug. 10 — To the Editor:

In response to Lenore Patton's letter to the editor from the Aug. 9 Hampton Union, I have this to say: You tell me, the "tea party brethren," and Rep. Guinta to listen to our mothers. To this, I say that my sainted mother would be spinning in her grave at the spending that is going on in D.C.

This was a woman who put her family before herself every time. She ate her meals last, bought her clothes last and always made sure that 10 percent of her family's income went into savings after every expense was paid.

Lenore, you brought up "our" mothers, but I can only tell you about my mother, who passed away in January. She taught me and my four siblings to save, live within our means and take care of our friends and family. Mrs. Kilgore taught me to be thrifty, creative and solve problems with a positive attitude. My mother may not have told me to "never say never," but she did tell me to stick to my convictions and stand up to bullies like you and your husband.

My mother would never have put the responsibility of her debt on her children or her 11 grandchildren. When her mother-in-law slipped into Alzheimer's, she did not institutionalize her, but gave up her "golden years" taking care of her and making sure she lived in a rich and loving environment until my father passed away. That is a lesson we all learned: We take care of our own and do not expect others to do what we are here to do.

I have listened to my mother. I have lived within my means, I have not asked for more than I have earned, and I hope that I have kept my promises as best as I could!

Representative Guinta and our tea party brethren have listened to our mothers, and we honor them in our fight to control spending and make the United States a better place for our children. We honor them by keeping our promises and being true to our ideals.

Wally Kilgore

North Hampton

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