Sunday, May 8, 2011

Republican attacks tea partier in NY26, confirming three-way race

If anyone was looking for confirmation that the tea party is threatening GOP establishment plans in New York's upcoming special House election, look no further than the actions of the Republican establishment candidate.

Republican state assemblywoman Jane Corwin is now running attack ads against wealthy businessman and tea party candidate Jack Davis in New York's 26th District.

"Who does Jack Davis think he's fooling?" a voiceover asks in Corwin's television commercial. "Davis was a hand-picked candidate of Nancy Pelosi and said he was proud to help her become Speaker. Davis took thousands of dollars from Barack Obama."

You can watch the commercial below:

Corwin's aim is clearly to scare Republicans away from Davis and secure more GOP votes for herself.

Corwin's claims against Davis are based on his own history. Davis ran as a Democrat in this district in 2004, 2006 and 2008. He only switched over to the tea party ballot line this year after it was clear GOP operatives were going to support Corwin.

Voters in the western New York district head to the polls May 24 to choose a successor to Republican Chris Lee, who resigned after Gawker revealed he had been sending flirtatious emails to women on Craigslist.

View the original article here

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